Learn JavaScript and stay connected with the latest news created and curated by the JavaScript community.
VisitLearn JavaScript and stay connected with the latest news created and curated by the JavaScript community.
VisitThe personal blog of Australian Front End Developer Dwayne Charrington.
VisitAn online course to help you become a better freelancer with concrete tips and proven advice.
VisitCovering the latest news and topics on handcrafting CSS with Sass and Compass.
VisitThis is Cheatsheets — a collection of cheatsheets I've written.
VisitA developer from Orlando, Fl. I serve as a Front End for The Charles, a digital agency in NYC.
VisitSVG text with animated dashed stroke pattern.
VisitMarkdown is a way of formatting text that can be easily read and understood by both humans and software.
VisitDesigner, developer, husband, father.
VisitCreating and animating a clock, using simple CSS animations as well as JavaScript to trigger them.
VisitAn opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass.
VisitIn short, hoisting is when JavaScript moves variable and function declarations to the top of their scope before any code is executed.